Group Lab Photos
News and Socials

9/18/23: Sheikh Lab went out for dinner and spent quality time with Lena one last time before she leaves. Good luck on your future endeavors, and we will miss you!

8/23/23: Sheikh Lab celebrated at Red O after receiving news about their FDA approval for PKP2 gene therapy to enter clinical trials!

7/28/23: Before summer ended, Sheikh Lab enjoyed one last summer BBQ celebration with friends and families!!

6/28/23: The Sheikh Lab went out to dinner to celebrate Aryanne's last week in the lab. She has been with us for five years and has done an amazing job managing the lab. We will miss you so much. Good luck in your future endeavors!!

6/5/23: As a way to bond and send Aryanne off to medical school, the Sheikh Lab went skydiving! Everyone was scared at first but, had such a fun time jumping off a plane. It was an experience of a lifetime!

1/25/23: Congratulations to Aryanne for getting into medical school! She will be attending the University of Maryland School of Medicine and is super excited to move forward in her career.

12/2/22: The Sheikh and Lange Lab got together to celebrate Christmas and the end of the year by having good food and playing White Elephant, our favorite tradition. Looking forward to 2023!

11/3/22: The Sheikh Lab went out to lunch to officially welcome the two new postdoctoral fellows in our lab. Welcome Matthew and Afaf!

6/17/22: The Sheikh Lab got together to bid a farewell to our postdoctoral fellow, Jie Wang. We will miss you! Good luck in the new chapter of your life.

2/17/22: The Sheikh Lab went out to lunch to officially welcome the new members in lab. We're so excited to see what everyone will do this upcoming year!

12/16/21: The Sheikh Lab got together to celebrate Christmas and the New Year by playing White Elephant. We had lots of good food and had an amazing time with each other! Cheers to a brand new year!!

9/7/2021: Hank successfully defended his Ph.D thesis entitled "Mechanistic Insights and Therapeutic Approaches for Plakophilin-2 Driven Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy" to his thesis committee, lab members, family, and friends. Congratulations! Best of luck in your future endeavors!

4/29/2021: Hank presented his graduate work focused on ARVD/C models and therapies for the American Physiological Society - Cardiovascular Section Outstanding Predoctoral Trainee Award at the virtual 2021 Experimental Biology Conference. He won the award! We are so proud of him!

4/2/2021: The Sheikh Lab got together to bid a farewell to Nirosh. He will be starting medical school in August! We played jeopardy over Zoom and Nirosh was deemed winner. We will miss you, Nirosh!

12/18/2020: The Sheikh Lab got together to celebrate the annual Secret Santa. We played Christmas-themed charades and had desserts over Zoom! A great way to end the year!

6/3/2020: Nirosh successfully defended his Master's thesis entitled "Characterization of a Novel Mouse Model of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy Harboring Plakophilin-2 Patient Genetics" to his committee, lab members, family and friends. Congratulations and well deserved!

5/28/2020: Hank presented his work entitled “Mechanistic Insights Into RNA Splicing As A Trigger For Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy” for the American Physiological Society - Cardiovascular Section Outstanding Graduate Trainee Award at the virtual Experimental Biology Conference.

7/18/2019 - Hank's advancement to Ph.D. candidacy celebration. Congrats, Hank! Job well done.

7/15/2019 - Farah gives a talk at the 2019 FOCUS Summer Institute, Cardiovascular Sciences Summer Seminar Series.
Faculty, students, and staff from all around UC San Diego attended to hear her presentation on "Breaking Down Cell-Cell Connections To Unravel New Pathways and Therapeutics for Arrhythmogenic Heart Disease".

6/25/2019 - Lab Lunch at our favorite restaurant, George’s at the Cove- Ocean Terrace, to welcome our new summer students, celebrate Yan's birthday, and congratulate Nirosh on his acceptance into the Master's program.

6/5/2019 - Nirosh presents his Honor's Thesis work in a poster presentation at the 2019 Biology Research Showcase. Nirosh was judged by two faculty members and received the top prize in the Honor's Research category. Congrats, Nirosh!

5/2019 - Nirosh presents his work at the Undergraduate Research Conference on the Biomedicine Panel.